Granny Glenn's Dreams
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Oklahoma's Birthday

Tommorrow I get to go with Mr. Granny, he who has the important job, to OK City.  Then on Thursday, we ride a train to Guthrie for a legislative session.  Ya see, Ok is made up of a bunch of thieves and back in the beginning, Guthrie OK was the capital.  That is until a bunch of hoodlums went to Guthrie under the cover of darkness and just plain stole that ol' state seal right out from under those Guthrieitts and took it to OK City making OK City the new official Capitol of OK.  Well, after 100 years, OK City has decided to play nice and let Guthrie be the capital for one day, one day only. Who knows in another 100 years, they might get to be the capital for 2 days. We get to wear 100 year old clothes and everything.  Will be fun.

 Had a great trip to NY City for Fall break.  My new friend discovered that we had 11 hours in the entire 4 days we were there, but it was fun.  When I figure out this picture thing, I will post another picture but it keeps coming out way too big.  But stay tuned, they will come.

Posted by grannyglenn at 6:08 PM

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