Now Playing: Kyla Rae is Here
Topic: Birthdays
Alyssa and Keith went to the hospital on Wednesday because Alyssa's back was hurting but after watching her they sent her home. Thursday, 10/4, she went back in because the Dr was going to start her on some medicine to encourage Kyla to come out, but Alyssa was already ih labor so they just started one medicine. We stayed at the hospital unti after midnight and left so they could try to get some rest, and Larry went back today while I went to work with my cell phone on. I was called about 11:30 and told she was moving forward but he would call, then again about 12:00. I picked up Courtney and we went to Joplin. Before we got there, Kyla was born.
Alyssa's mom and sister were there with Larry. They noticed nurses running to the room and when they asked what was going on was told by the nurses that they can't tell them anything. Keith latter said that he got to cut the cord, but she wasn't crying or making any noise. Then the nurses run in and everyone started working on the baby and she she started to make some noise. The nurses put a tube down in to lungs. She had aspirated meconium. She is now in the nicu on 100% O2 and sedated. We have not had a chance to see her at all. Keith took a picture of her before they took her away, they they got to go in to see her int he ICU.
It was hard to watch Keith so worried about her. I remembered babies having that happen when I worked at the hospital but came home and looked it up. Sounds like she will be fine, but there are risks to the lungs. Will just have to pray she is OK.