Granny Glenn's Dreams
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Ladies Night Out
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Ladied Night

For over two years, we got together every  Monday night, meeting under the light pole at Buffalo Run Casino.  We piled in my van and went to another Casino in Wyandotte.  At Wyandotte we got $5 cash for free play that we used to eat dinner in the little cafe.  Then piled back in the van to head back to Buffalo where we got 10$ in free play and hung around for the drawings.  Well those folks quit qiving free money and we were at loose ends.  But, (drum roll) we are starting up our own ladies night again.  We are meeting at the Quapaw Casino where they still give $5 free money but I think we are gong to explore going back to Monday nights even though there is no free play.  Monday just works out better.  Sometimes this is the only time I get to visit with my best friends so I am glad this is working again.  Will let you know if we come out winners.

Posted by grannyglenn at 11:26 AM

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